Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 - Mitts and Shawl Beginnings

Well, I got some knitting done today! I finished the mitts I started on the 1st of January. I love working on a fast, instant gratification project after working on some more intense projects. These mitts worked up fast but the pattern had some error in it so I wouldn't suggest it nor would I knit it again.

I know that I knit a little tight and I should just automatically switch it up a needle size and/or swatch! These mitts fit me but they are a little tight. Still, this yarn is nice to work with albeit acrylic. Like I've said in the past, not everything needs to be made with expensive yarn. Sometimes it's fun to knit with inexpensive yarn.

At morning coffee today we were talking a lot about shawls and knitting so I decided that I want to make another shawl. This one is more like a kerchief than a shawl I think. It's called Boneyard Shawl by Stephen West. The pattern was available on Ravelry for free.

I have a few skeins of Mirasol Hacho 100% Hand Dyed Merino yarn in colourway: 307 which is the predominantly black with yellow, red, orange, sky blue...oh here's a pic...

I wanted to make a different kerchief but I was having an issue casting-on the other one so I chose the Boneyard. It's a very simple pattern and will ingrain M1R and M1L into my brain. I did the first 12 rounds on a pair of bamboo double points and then switched to a 5.5 mm Addi Turbo. Every 12th round you knit a full row instead of purling to give the ridge in the pattern.

Here's my progress as of 9:00 tonight:

Well, I rearranged most of my living room today making a nice bright spot for the Antique Circular Sock Machine, put away the boxes of Christmas ornaments so I think I'll spend the rest of the evening keeping the fire stoked and working on this Boneyard Shawl.

Happy Monday everyone, see ya later

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad, all photos taken with an iPhone 3 running OS4

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